We offer you detailed statistics, registering everything that might be of interest to you.
The statistics are generated by site name, webmaster (data per webmaster), session time or per connection. All this can be seen again per time unit (day, week, month, year and even by your specified period). You can even zoom in to the smallest details.
Some possibilities of statistics
- Adaptable to match your own style
- Export to CSV format for local processing
- Create Unlimited promoters/webmasters
- Each supervisor/webmaster’s own statistics and log
- Complete list of all payments
- Create Unlimited products real time
- Real time statistics on the mobile phone via our iMonitor
Key benefits
All data is handled in real time
Opportunities for webmasters/affiliates
Standard possibility for your own reporting
Statistics also available via our iMonitor app
Data available also via API usage
Reports can be grouped by customers/cost/payment options etc.